Latest NEws

19 Dec

ENOC team building

We’re excited to share that a fantastic team building event took place on December 19th, 2023. Organized by IGNITE, the team from Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) gathered at the stunning Mandarin Oriental Jumeirah Hotel for an indoor team-building event.

The meticulously planned activities for the day were geared towards fostering better team relationships, enhancing problem-solving skills, and, of course, having some fun. We made sure each activity brought something unique to the table.

‘Moon Landing’ transported the team from ENOC to a hypothetical lunar terrain, setting the stage for the ultimate problem-solving challenge! Next up was ‘The Grid’, a group memory game designed to help the team enhance their attention to detail and recall abilities. Lastly was ‘Pyramid Cups’, an activity built on the foundations of teamwork.

These engaging and enjoyable ice-breaker activities created a relaxed space for team building, amplifying camaraderie among ENOC’s professionals.

We look forward to facilitating more successful events for ENOC! Remember, a team that plays together, stays together!