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29 Oct

IGNITE Pink is Punk 2022 – Pink Paddle

Pink Paddle was a huge success, and we want to thank you for joining us at our event. Thank you to all our friends and family who participated in this year’s event! We can’t think of a better way to spend a beautiful Saturday morning than getting out on the water with our loved ones.

We had such a great time, and it was so nice to see families enjoying the paddle together. We had 107 participants who paddled their way through the Palm, and we were able to raise funds for Al Jalila Foundation where 100% of the proceeds will support breast cancer treatment and research to give hope to patients.

It was the last leg for this year’s Pink is Punk event and it was a fun weekend that brought together people who wanted to support a good cause. Thanks for getting involved in another successful year for all of us! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!