Latest NEws

5 Sep


We are delighted to share that our much anticipated annual event, “IGNITE Pink is Punk”, is returning this October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We have a fascinating lineup of events prepared.

The Pink Swim and Run is scheduled for October 14th, followed by Pink Yoga on October 16th, and finally, the Pink Paddle on October 21st.

Our endeavor is aimed not only at raising vital awareness about this cause but also at advocating wellness and unity. As we come together for these events, we also strive to generate support and acknowledgment for the cause close to all our hearts.

This is a 100% non-profit event where Al Jalilah Foundation stands as the beneficiary. Therefore, we cordially invite each one of you to join us, make the most of the opportunity, and register today at

Let’s come together and ‘IGNITE’ our spirit in the fight against breast cancer.